Muskoka Blue by Carolyn Miller

Muskoka Blue by Carolyn Miller

Author:Carolyn Miller
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Carolyn Miller

Chapter 17

The phone chirped its tinny version of Für Elise. Sarah swallowed the last Hershey’s Kiss with a gulp, then looked at the screen. “Hi, Ange.”

“How are you, Blue?”

Sarah took a breath, hoping her voice wouldn’t betray her. “It’s all good here. You?”

Ange chatted briefly about the conference. “Sar? You sure you’re okay?”

“I’ve, uh, got a new neighbor.” Her chest tightened like it did every time she thought about the bikini model staying next door.

“At Dan’s?”


“I know he sometimes lets people use his place.” A small sigh. “Dan has always been something of a fixer.”

Breath suspended. Was that why he’d hung around? He’d wanted to fix her? A memory flickered, something Sam had said about broken-winged birds. He’d tried to warn her too, that Dan had something of a hero complex…

“Sar? You still there?”


“Are you okay?”

“Yep.” Sarah forced out a shaky laugh. Change the subject. “Haven’t seen any bears yet.”

“Oh, but there’s been reports of bears! It’s been on the news. Sar, you need to take—”

“Care, yes, I know.” Sarah closed her eyes. Okay, dumb choice of topics. “I’m being careful. But honestly, Ange, can you imagine a bear wanting to pick a fight with little ole me?”

“I don’t think they’re too fussy about who—”

“Ange, I’ll be fine. Say hi to John for me, okay?”

“Will do. And Sar, please take care. I’d hate to see you hurt.”

“I’ll be fine, Ange. Thanks for calling.”

“Okay then.” A sigh. “Bye, Blue.”

“Bye.” Sarah stared out the window at the bikinied bombshell who’d staked her claim on the beach for the day. She bit down on her trembling lower lip. Good thing Ange wasn’t here, otherwise she’d see just how hurt Sarah was already.


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